Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Professional Pictures and Doctor

We had Zach's 1 month pictures taken yesterday. He was really fussy at first and then he did really well.

We went to the doctor today for his recheck from when he was spitting up all the time. The doctor is very happy with his progress. He has not been spitting up as much and is eating better. He is really only fussy in the afternoon so we just try and give him Mylicon and use Happi Tummi before he gets really bad. This seems to be helping. I am glad it is a very mild amount of colic. It would be very hard if it was really bad. He weighs 8 pounds 2 ounces and is 22 inches long!! It is crazy since last visit 2 weeks ago he was 6 pounds 11 ounces. We must be doing something right for him to be growing so much. His weight to height is in the zero percentile. The doctor said it was because he had stretched out so much but it is fine as long as it is going up on the curve and not down. I am so glad he is doing well. It makes you worry a little less, not much but a little bit :)

I have finally felt like cooking again and really cleaning the house. I guess I am going through my nesting now since I never got to do it before he came and then was recovering from the c-section. I am still a little sore but not too bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are great!
Do you have any baby pic.s of you and ryan you could post? We could compare? Who does zach look most like?