Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bad Colds and Baby Pictures

Zach got his first cold from daycare. It was a pretty bad one too. He was sneezing and had a little cough for about a week. Then the cough got worse. Right about that time I started to feel bad. I think it is the worst cold I have had in a long time. We took him to the doctor to rule out anything other than a cold. Ryan was the one that took him. It was his first trip to the doctor since Zach's week check up and the first time by himself. He did great. Zach weighed, as of last Friday, 10 pounds 15 ounces, so he is right on track with weight gain. The doctor said since he had not really had a fever and his lungs sounded good it was just a cold. Ryan really stepped up to the plate, not that I thought he wouldn't, and let me get some rest this weekend so I could get better and he took all the late night feedings. It was the best thing I could have asked for. We are on the mend now and both of our coughs are almost gone and we are both just a little bit stuffed up. Hopefully going to Panama City Beach this weekend will help it go away completely.

On another note. Here are the much asked for baby pictures of Ryan and I and an updated picture of Zach. I think he goes back in forth between looking like one or the other. He is a good mix. I can't believe he is 12 weeks today!! It has gone by so fast so far.

Waiting on a phone call

Why did you take my phone away?

It's for me

Lauren baby

Lauren baby(20 weeks)

Ryan baby

Ryan baby (3 weeks)


Anonymous said...

I do see both of you. But that 3 week baby pic of Ryan, is so newborn Zach! Crazy!

Amber said...

I agree with Mandy, but he definitely looks just like you when he smiles!