Monday, July 21, 2008

Tall boy rolling over

Zach had his 4 month checkup today. He did really well. He weighs 13 pounds 7 ounces (16th percentile) and he was 26 1/2 inches long (88th percentile). He has grown 5 inches in 2 months!! I guess this is why we had to keep buying new onesies. Everytime we turned around they were too short. Because he is so tall to his weight he is in the 0th percentile still for that. He got shots and he got MAD at the nurse. The boy has a temper. That will be fun when he gets older.

Zach has been trying to roll over for a few weeks now. Yesterday I had him on his belly and the next thing I knew he was on his back. He did it a few more times. He is still working on back to tummy but we are getting there. He is still chatty as ever and we have "conversations" all the time.

Zach also has a favorite animal already. It is a blue elephant lovie. Ryan named him Elpho. I am not sure who got this for him but THANK YOU! I have tried other animals but he won't have anything to do with them. He gets a huge smile on his face when we bring him Elpho.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we gave him elpho!
