Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Zach was in a great mood tonight and I got a video of him laughing. Can you tell I remembered we had a video camera :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Growth Picture

Here is Zach's newest growth picture and a short video of him chatting in the morning. We are trying cereal again but he is still not sleeping great. Hopefully it will get better soon.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Tall boy rolling over

Zach had his 4 month checkup today. He did really well. He weighs 13 pounds 7 ounces (16th percentile) and he was 26 1/2 inches long (88th percentile). He has grown 5 inches in 2 months!! I guess this is why we had to keep buying new onesies. Everytime we turned around they were too short. Because he is so tall to his weight he is in the 0th percentile still for that. He got shots and he got MAD at the nurse. The boy has a temper. That will be fun when he gets older.

Zach has been trying to roll over for a few weeks now. Yesterday I had him on his belly and the next thing I knew he was on his back. He did it a few more times. He is still working on back to tummy but we are getting there. He is still chatty as ever and we have "conversations" all the time.

Zach also has a favorite animal already. It is a blue elephant lovie. Ryan named him Elpho. I am not sure who got this for him but THANK YOU! I have tried other animals but he won't have anything to do with them. He gets a huge smile on his face when we bring him Elpho.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

4 Months

Zach is 4 months old today. It is hard to think of a time when he was not here. His cough is getting much better and he is doing great unswaddled. I think he likes it much better. It just took a few days for him to get used to it and not wake himself up. I think it helps his cough that he can roll to his side. I hope I don't jinx it but he has been sleeping well lately. Pretty much through the night. I am sure that will change many times. We took a few days break from cereal and picked it back up today. He ate a little bit from the spoon then we put some in a bottle and he gobbled it up. We are mostly going to try and stick to it in a bowl but we will go back and forth. Zach went to Jack's first birthday party this weekend. He wasn't really sure what was going on and slept through most of it. But we had a good time. We put him in the jumper this weekend he liked it but could not figure out how to jump by himself. I am sure after a few more times he will bounce like crazy. WHen I bounced it for him. He loved it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First Solid Food

We fed Zach cereal for the first time yesterday. He was not sure at first but we tried again today and he was opening his mouth for it.

We also took Zach to the doctor for an ongoing night cough. He weighs 12 pounds 14 ounces. He will be 4 months on Sunday so he is doing pretty good. I am not sure what percentile that is since it was a sick visit. They had to do chest x-rays. We are thinking it is reflux but the doctor wanted to make sure. Please pray the cough goes away. He

has not been sleeping well so consequently neither have we. Sometimes it seems he has a hard time catching his breath. It seems to be getting a bit better day by day.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

More Pics

Zach helped us wash cars today. It was very exhausting for him.

Kenny Chesney and random pics

Stacy got 2 tickets for her birthday to go see Kenny Chesney and she took me! We had a great time. It was a long night but a lot of fun topped off with late night Waffle House.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


We had Zach Baptized this weekend. It went well. He was cranky when we went up there and as soon as I handed him to the Pastor he screamed his head off. I thought it was hilarious. He is usually such a calm baby and doesn't cry much. True to form whenever it s a big event he screams. Oh well. My grandmother made his gown out of my wedding dress. I am so glad we had something so special to put him in. We had a very good time though and got to see a lot of family and it was very nice to spend some time with them. I will post a few pictures with more to follow from my mom's camera.

As far as the unswaddling, we have gone back to swaddling him. He did not do so well the 2nd night and kept waking himself up. With that and the cough he has, we figured it was best to keep doing it for a while longer. He doesn't seem to mind it.