Monday, January 25, 2010


How is it possible to be stressed out about work when you are not even at work? I took the day off because Zach seemed under the weather this morning. He is now doing much better (of course). I think it was all a ploy to get some mommy time. Although he did take an almost 4 hour nap so he must have needed the sleep.

Anyway, back to the work thing. I have been trying to help out so they won't have so much to do there but I feel like I am walking on eggshells with every little thing I ask (it is like this when I am there too), even the tiniest of things. But when it is them they will leave me high and dry in a heartbeat. I am just so stressed out and don't know what to do about it. I come home most days and am so upset and on the verge of tears. Now I know pregnancy hormones have something to do with it but still. I know this can not be good for me and the baby. I had work stress last time with Zach (although not near as much as now) and I went into labor 8 weeks early, got put on bedrest with 6 weeks to go and had him two weeks later. Most of that was that I had pre-eclampsia and it had gotten so bad that I was risking my life keeping him in. I just don't want my blood pressure to go up at all. It has been good this far but my doctor is very no-nonsense and she will put me on bedrest in a heartbeat. I really don't want to do that because it is very hard to care for a 2 year old when you can't get up or lift anything. Putting this out there on paper helps and I know Ryan and my Mom are sick of hearing about it and I try to not talk about it but sometimes it is very hard.

I appreciate being able to vent here. Thanks for "listening"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Found it!

I am 18 weeks pregnant today! It is amazing how fast it is flying by this time. I guess when you have a toddler to run after you don't really think about it as much as the first time. We bought Zach's big boy furniture. We ended up getting him a queen because it was the same price as the full. We will be moving his crib and furniture into the babies room. We did by a glider for the nursery. I am so excited because we did not have that with Zach, we just had a plain old Rocking chair. It served it's purpose but wasn't very comfortable.

Zach is doing well. His new thing is to get into things. He likes to climb into his toy box and play in there or into his book basket and play while sitting in there. He has gotten stuck more times than I can count. His hearing test went great. He passed with flying colors. I am sure he will talk eventually. He has been saying more words the last week or so. I am sure it will take off all at once. He was a month early and I have to keep telling myself that.

I have been having a rough time at work lately and am just ready to be done. Vacation in 2 weeks will help. I can't wait. Or last kid free vacation for awhile and Zach gets to go to his first Bunn Super Bowl. My parents are so excited.

We find out February 5 what the baby is. I can't wait. I have a feeling it is a girl but a boy would be just as great (we do have all the stuff for a boy) This baby is very active and I have been feeling baby kicks a lot the last week. It might be more active than Zach was. When I try and find the heartbeat with the doppler it will kick it and "run" I guess I am already being an annoying mom by bugging it.

18 weeks

Wel I posted a whole long blog and somehow deleted it. So now I am frustrated and I just going to post these pics. Zach is 22 months old and I am 18 weeks pregnant. I will do another post soon.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Long time...Lots of Changes

Ok, so I have been bad, very bad with blogging. Things have been so crazy and I just let it get away from me. Zach is 22 months old today. I can't believe my baby is almost 2. It has flown by. He is doing great and very active. He is finally getting his I-teeth so he has been a bit cranky lately an waking up super early. I just leave him in his crib and he plays for an hour or so (which is good at 5:15 in the morning) He is very curious about things and how they work and how to make them go together. I keep saying he is going to be an engineer one day. He is still not talking a whole lot. He babbles a ton but doesn't have a lot of real words. We are having his hearing checked Friday. Ryan thinks I am crazy but I say rather be safe than sorry.

In other news, we found out in October we are expecting baby #2. We are so excited and can't wait for the baby to be here. When we ask Zach where the baby is he runs over and lifts my shirt and sticks his finger in my belly button. It is very cute. I am sure he won't like the baby as much when it is not in my belly anymore but he will adjust. We find out February 5 what we are having. Hopefully the baby is not shy about it. I have a feeling (and Ryan agrees) it is a girl. I have been much sicker this time around than I was with Zach and just feeling different. I really don't have a preference on one or the other.

Ryan and I are going to the Bahamas in February as well. We leave the 7th. Zach gets to attend a fun Superbowl Part at his Gigi's and Grandpa's then my mom is bringing him back up to our house for the rest of the week. We are headed to Sandals with some friends so it should be lots of fun. I can't wait. Al you can eat food. Perfect for a pregnant lady and hopefully they have some virgin drinks I can sip on by the pool.

I promise to do my best in updating this from now on. Here are some pictures of the last few months.