Monday, January 25, 2010


How is it possible to be stressed out about work when you are not even at work? I took the day off because Zach seemed under the weather this morning. He is now doing much better (of course). I think it was all a ploy to get some mommy time. Although he did take an almost 4 hour nap so he must have needed the sleep.

Anyway, back to the work thing. I have been trying to help out so they won't have so much to do there but I feel like I am walking on eggshells with every little thing I ask (it is like this when I am there too), even the tiniest of things. But when it is them they will leave me high and dry in a heartbeat. I am just so stressed out and don't know what to do about it. I come home most days and am so upset and on the verge of tears. Now I know pregnancy hormones have something to do with it but still. I know this can not be good for me and the baby. I had work stress last time with Zach (although not near as much as now) and I went into labor 8 weeks early, got put on bedrest with 6 weeks to go and had him two weeks later. Most of that was that I had pre-eclampsia and it had gotten so bad that I was risking my life keeping him in. I just don't want my blood pressure to go up at all. It has been good this far but my doctor is very no-nonsense and she will put me on bedrest in a heartbeat. I really don't want to do that because it is very hard to care for a 2 year old when you can't get up or lift anything. Putting this out there on paper helps and I know Ryan and my Mom are sick of hearing about it and I try to not talk about it but sometimes it is very hard.

I appreciate being able to vent here. Thanks for "listening"

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