Monday, March 31, 2008

First time at church

In the car about to go into church

In the doggie "bunkbed"

Yesterday we went to church for the first time with Zach. He did really well. We sat in the cry room because he makes so many noises I didn't want to take the chance of being in the middle of a prayer and he start making his baby sounds. He ended up sleeping through the whole thing. I was very impressed. It is kind of funny since whenever we went to church when I was pregnant he was always very active, kicking me and moving.

Things are going well just the three (well actually five of us). Zach is still eating like crazy the last few days. He is definitely getting heavier. It is so crazy to watch him grow. His newborn clothes are starting to fit him which is great so he finally has more than three outfits to wear.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Zach must be growing. He did not sleep at all last night. He was up and wide awake from 5:30 when Ryan got home last night and did not go to sleep until 2:30. He was starving too and kept wanting to eat. He ended up eating like 4 ounces of food in 3 hours. He never eats that much. Today he has slept much better but has been very restless. He looks like he is getting bigger. I am so glad he is growing and it means we are doing something right :)

2 weeks picture with my growth stuffed animal

2nd Rickels family photo

Sleeping in the Moses Basket (he loves this thing!)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

First Bath and some more pictures

Zach had his first bath the other day and was not a big fan!! He cried pretty much the whole way through it. He does not like to be naked. I am sure it is because he is cold.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2 weeks

Zach will be 2 weeks tomorrow. It has flown by so far. We had a very busy day today. We had our 2 week doctor appointment today. He is up to 6 pounds 5 ounces. The doctor said he is looking good and will see us back at his 2 month appointment. His cord fell off today and we don't have to use gauze on his circumcision anymore!!!! This makes diaper changes much easier. We stopped by my office and let everyone see him. I don't think they wanted to give him back.

We also had his body parts pictures taken today. They are going to be so cute. They did his ear and feet and nose and mouth. Zach was so good during all of this. He is really good in the car.

That is about all we have going on. He is sleeping much better at night and since we go to bed so early we are only getting up 2 times a night which is pretty good. I have my doctor appointment tomorrow to get my incision checked. I am feeling good so hopefully she will give me clearance to drive and carry things again.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Making progress

Last night was great. We went to bed at 8:00, Ryan had to go back to work today so he needed to get some sleep and I was exhausted. We fed Zach at 9:30, then he woke up at 11:30, then he slept until 2:45 and again until 5:30. It was so nice to get some sleep! Hopefully he is getting on a schedule somewhat. He is such a good baby so far. He rarely cries and just makes noises when he wants to be changed. I know things could change but I am counting my blessings so far. Ryan went back to work today and it is going well so far with just the two of us here. My mom is coming back today to help me this week with doctor appointments and things. I still am not able to drive or lift more than 10 pounds so that makes it a bit hard, good thing I only had a 6 1/2 pound baby.

Ava and me passed out

Thinking about if I want to eat or not

Such an angel

Saturday, March 22, 2008

One step back

Last night was a bit rough. We kind of got off our "schedule" yesterday and so we were off when we went to bed. Zach did not want to go to sleep. I checked him and he wasn't wet and we tried to feed him and he wasn't hungry. So we would rock him, he would fall asleep and then we would put him down and he would scream. I think we held him too much yesterday. Today he is spending more time in the pack n play sleeping. He was waking up every hour. Finally I let him cry off and on for 30 minutes, then I picked him up, changed his diaper, rocked him and he fell right asleep. I am sure he was exhausted from crying. Then we had 2 stretches of 3 hours of sleep. It is so frustrating when you can't figure out what is wrong with them and you are tired and you feel so bad because you can't help them. I am hoping tonight is better.

Friday, March 21, 2008

One week and 1 day old

Today was a good day. We just hung out around the house and watched the game. It was not pretty but at least we won. We went and visited the scuba shop and showed Zach the pool and all the fun stuff he would one day have :) My mom left today but is coming back next week as well. Since I still can't drive it is very helpful to have her here. Not to mention everything else she is doing and has done. It means a lot to us. Here are some pics of Zach and Ryan watching the game and just chillin.

Sleeping like a champ

Dad and I watching TV

This game is hard to watch

Dad and I watching the game

Thursday, March 20, 2008

One more thing

I wanted to add the last preggo pic of me my mom took at
the hospital. This is me at 36 weeks.

Our first outing

Ryan and I had our first excursion out of the house without Zach. We went to lunch and then went to Babies R Us. We had to buy preemie diapers and some clothes, since everything we have is huge on him. It was very quiet without him.

Things are good here. Nights are getting better and we are sleeping during the day as much as we can. Last night I went to change his diaper and opened it up and got sprayed. He peed on my new shirt, his head and clothes. I guess that is part of having a boy. I just about died laughing.

Here are some more pictures.

Just Chillin'

Diaper Change, Ava watching over

Ava guarding Zach

Sleeping away

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More pics

Last night was even better. He actually went from 4-7 without waking up. It was so nice. We are still trying to figure out the diaper issue so we are not changing wet clothes 3 times a night but we will get it. Here are a few more pictures

In Jack's swing (thanks Jack!)

Sleeping on Gigi

I am so tired

Me too!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 2 at home

Day 2 went much better. Zach slept much better last night getting up about every 2 hours. So we are making progress. We had diaper issues last night and he kept wetting himself so we had 3 outfit changes.
We went to the Dr. for a weight check and he has gained 2 ounces from Sunday. Since he lost so much weight in the hospital. He is now up to 5 pounds 12 ounces. The Dr. said he was looking good and we go back in a week.
Zach is much more alert today. I am feeling much better and healing nicely. We went to the Dr., then to Jersey Mike's for lunch, and then to Babies R Us to buy some formula. We have definitely decided to bottle feed. My milk has not really come in so it is not worth worrying about. Having my mom here is such a big help. I really appreciate it.
Here are some more pictures we took today.

Monday, March 17, 2008

More pictures

Our first night

Our first night home was a long one. We got home around 6:30. The dogs smelled Zach and were a little confused. They kept licking him which we are going to have to figure out how to stop but at least they are loving him and not trying to bite him. When he cries they get more excited but I am sure that is because it is new and hopefully they will get used to it. I know we are not used to it yet :)

We went to bed around 11:00. Zach woke up pretty much every hour. I know he is still in some pain from his circumcision every time he goes to the bathroom so that was hard. My milk is not coming in as well as we would like so we have started giving him a bottle and I am trying to pump to see if there is anything there. If not we will be using formula, whatever makes sure he is getting fed is what is important. Both of us are exhausted and I know we will make it through the next few nights. It will be much easier when I feel better too. I am healing nicely but am very swollen. That should go down soon.

We hope everyone is well. We will post some more pics and can't wait for ya'll to meet him.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Our first few days

Our first few days have been good. I was a little out of it for day one and two due to the c-section but I am recovering well. Zach is doing great and is too precious for words. We love him more than we can ever imagine. My pre-eclampsia is pretty much gone. I am back down to normal levels with my blood work and my blood pressure is down. We get to go home tomorrow!!! I am excited and nervous but very ready. Here are some pictures of our first few days with many more to come.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Zachary Allen Rickels

Well today was a long and exciting day for Rickels Family. Wednesday, Lauren went to the doctor and everything looked good. The doctor thought we could make it another two weeks. Then on Thursday, Lauren's blood work can back and her mild toxemia had turned into a more serious condition. The toxemia was attacking her liver and the only cure was to deliver. The doctor decided that she would perform a c-section. Lauren and I went into the OR at 5 and Zach was born at 5:24 PM. Zach was 6 lbs 6 oz and was 19-1/2" long. Mom and Zach are doing fine. We will post pictures soon.
Thanks to everyone for helping us and keeping us in their prayers.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I had my Dr. appointment today. She said I am looking good. My blood pressure is still slightly elevated. So consequently I am still on bedrest. She is really happy I have not delivered yet. She said he has weak white boy syndrome, male Caucasians are the last for their lungs to develop so she wants him to go to 38 weeks so he does not have to be under the vent in the NICU.

I am now going twice a week to the Dr. so she can keep and eye on the pre-eclampsia since now is when it could get worse and if it gets that way she wants to deliver right away. If he is not here by 38 weeks she is going to induce assuming he is ready.

As far as the home front, the dogs are being very bad when I leave. Anything they can get their teeth on they are eating. Today they ate a book. I am going to have to start crating them again because I am afraid they will destroy all of Zach's stuff.

Monday, March 10, 2008

New week

Well, it is a new week. I had a very good shower yesterday. I had a lot of fun and it was nice to see family. Zach got some cute clothes and fun stuff!

I had a lot of sporadic contractions yesteraday but nothing consistent. My tummy was very sore last night so sleeping was bit of a challenge and Ryan was snoring all night so it was hard to fall back asleep.

My mom is coming tomorrow just to hang out and to make some food for us. I am excited. Maybe he will come while she is here.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Still Waiting

Well, it did snow last night and we did not have a baby!! Although I have been quite uncomfortable today between contractions and I think he has dropped some. My next appointment is Wednesday so we will see where we are at.

The snow was really pretty. We got about 2 inches. The dogs had fun playing in it. Ryan wanted to go drive around in it but he didn't want to leave me here in case something happened. There is always next year.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Rough Days

Well the last few days have been rough. I think Zach is just growing and my belly is stretching, which happens every few weeks and is a great thing, but I am very uncomfortable. I have hit the 35 week mark and am counting down to the 36 week mark.

It is supposed to snow today and I am hoping it is a good one. I am sure if we get the predicted 1-3 inches that is supposed to stick tonight will be the night I go into labor. I have been having contractions everyday but they are not consistent and don't last. I can't believe in 3 weeks or less we will have a baby. It is very surreal.

I have one more baby shower this weekend and I am really looking forward to it. It is Ryan's family shower so it should be a lot of fun.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Ryan's brother came in to town, all the way from Knoxville, with his girlfriend last night to cook us dinner (well his girlfriend cooked us dinner). It is amazing how great everyone has been. It was nice to have some real food to eat and it tasted great!!!

Amber came by on Sunday and helped us clean up the nursery and put things away and wash clothes. I had not done anything in there really since I thought I had some time.

I just appreciate and thank God for all the good people we have in our lives.

Update on Baby Zach and bedrest

I had a Dr. appt yesterday and everything is looking good. There has been no change since I left the hospital. My blood pressure is still a little high so I am still on bedrest as of right now. She has changed my due date to April 10. That makes me 35 weeks tomorrow. She said that if I can make it to 36 weeks she will lighten my bedrest. I am not sure exactly what that means but we will see next Wednesday at my next Dr. appt. If I have not had him by 38 weeks (March 27) then she said she will induce. So it looks like Zach is going to be a March baby!! I am excited to meet the little guy but really want him to make it to 36 weeks. That just seems like the magic number to me and would make me feel much more comfortable having him then.

Bedrest is going well. I am enjoying relaxing and catching up on tv shows and reading. I am taking this time to relax because I know after he comes there won't be much relaxing or sleeping. Ryan is being great and getting pretty good at taking care of me. I am sure he is just as anxious as I am but doesn't show it as much. The dogs are loving every minute of me being home and have not left my side. I think they know something is going on because they are being so sweet and loving and very gentle. They are in for such a surprise when Zach gets here!

Random Pictures

I thought I would add some pictures. Here you go.

Monday, March 3, 2008


I have been put on bedrest for 4 weeks or until Zach decides to make his appearance. By the way I am feeling, contractions I am having and signs of labor I am guessing it will not be 4 weeks until we get to meet our little man. I am very excited but very nervous. I can't help but feel a little out of control and like I could have done something to prevent this. I am 34 weeks and 4 days pregnant. The Dr. feels confident that Zach will be fine if he is born early and will require a little more oxygen but will be able to be brought home. The good news is I have tons of small clothes that he can wear. I have to go to the Dr. 2 times a week from now on. I will keep an update on here of those appointments and how everything is going.


Well, with some encouragement from Amber. I have decided to start a blog. This will keep everyone updated on Zach and for right now keep me busy while on bedrest. I will try and post many pictures and keep you updated as often as I can (which right now should be everyday).