Saturday, June 28, 2008


We FINALLY put Zach to bed unswaddled last night. We have been swaddling him since we brought him home. He always seemed to wake himself up when he wasn't swaddled. I figured since he was so close to rolling over it was about time to give it a try and I wanted to do it on a weekend in case the sleep was less then usual. It was. He wouldn't go to sleep until 9:00 because he napped from 5:00 until 7:30. I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't do it. SO he slept from 9:00 to 1:00 then Ryan went up and he slept on Ryan until 6:30 (he has another little cough from daycare that he is at the back end of, I also think Ryan wanted to cuddle with him). I got a picture of Zach in his new footed sleep PJs. He looks like a little boy it was cute but sad at the same time.

I also finally got a picture of Carmilla with Zach. I think she is finally getting used to him and excepting him.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Good weekend

We had a good weekend. Except for Ryan having inventory we had a good time. Zach and I went over to Stacy's on Friday night to celebrate her birthday and to see Mary and Brett. It was a lot of fun. On Saturday Zach and I watched 27 Dresses (very cute by the way) and I cleaned the house for next weekend (Zach is being Baptised and we are having family in). Saturday night Ryan and Zach had a boys night and I went out with the girls. We went to Virago and had yummy food (everyone had sushi but I could just not do it and had beef stir fry). I can not wait to go there again. Then we went to Cabana and had some drinks. It was a lot of fun and I got home about 1:30. It was a long night and I was exhausted today but it was worth it. Today we went to church and then had lunch with Stacy, Amber, Mary & Brett. Zach was very good at the restaurant and just sat there and chilled. He wore his Robees and looked very cute. He is fitting into his 6 month clothes already. He is so long the 3 month just don't fit very well. It was a long weekend and I am tired and about to go to bed even though it is 8:15. I just can't stay out late and get up at 5:30 with a baby and function :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Random Pictures

Here are a few pictures. Zach sitting in his Bumbo. In his new khaki shorts and orange shirt. Enjoying the swing, which he is almost too big for. Sitting in his Babee Tenda (like a high chair), he wanted to be on our level at dinner. We put some toys on it and he grabbed on all on his own and shook it for a minute.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

We had a wonderful first father's day. We got up early in the morning, Zach was being a stinker and didn't want to sleep so Ryan brought him out to the couch and laid with him there. I made breakfast, cinnamon rolls and bacon, and then we opened gifts. We got Ryan a 90 minute massage and a shirt and pair of shorts. We went to lunch at Jersey Mike's and then to Target (to exchange the shirt and shorts for a different size). The rest of the day we just hung out at home. Tonight we did some tummy time and Zach did great. He had his head up high and was pushing up on his arms. I was very impressed. Well I called Ryan over and as soon as I did that the dogs thought it would be a good idea to join in the celebration and started playing with each other. One of them got too close and landed on Zach's foot. Which ever one it was barely got him but he started screaming. I looked and there was a little scratch that wasn't even bleeding. So he screamed for a few minutes then he realized he was fine but was getting attention, so he started to smile then cry then smile then cry. I started laughing because he knew what he was doing. Then he got this huge grin on his face and he started laughing. It was a real belly laugh. I was the cutest thing we had heard. So because we were encouraging him he laughed for about 5 minutes. I hope he continues to laugh from here on out. We put him to bed and now we are sitting here relaxing enjoying a glass of wine. I am sure we will go to bed early since we got up so early. All in all it was a great father's day with lots of wonderful surprises from Zach.

3 Months

Our little man is 3 months old. I can't believe how quickly time has gone by. It is hard to wrap my mind around the fact that he is 3 months since he is only supposed 2 months old. Things are great and he is growing like a weed. We got his 3 month pictures taken yesterday. They turned out really good.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Panama City Beach

Ryan, Zach and I went to the beach this weekend. It was a short, quick trip but we had a great time. We mainly went down there so Ryan could dive. We also thought it would be good for Zach to gets some fresh air and sun (and me too). We left on Friday and it took about 8.5 hours to get there. We hit traffic and when we got to PCB Ryan's navigation took us the wrong way to the hotel :) Zach did great in the car and woke up like every 2 hours to eat. He was definitely growing this weekend.

Saturday we got up and had breakfast. The Ryan helped us get to the pool (there was no way I was taking a baby to the beach by myself) and then he went diving. We hung out for a few hours and got in the pool once. I took him inside about 12:00 since it was getting really hot. We both took a nap and then went and got some lunch. We went back out to the pool around 3:30 or so and hung out for another hour and Ryan joined us when he got back from diving. We went to dinner with the scuba group that night and went for a walk on the beach to watch the sunset and let Zach have his first feel of the sand and ocean. He really seemed to like it.
Stop taking pictures and take me to the pool

Asleep in the sundome

This sun thing is tiring

In the pool

Resting after my swim

Passed out from the sun

First time my toes hit the sand

Dad and me walking the beach

Mom and me

First feel of the ocean (I liked it)

Family photo on the beach

Sunday Ryan went diving at 6:00. Zach and I slept in until 8:00 got some breakfast and then went to the pool for an hour. It was much hotter on Sunday and I was burnt on my back from where I missed with the lotion on Saturday. He really seemed to enjoy the pool Sunday. Ryan came back from diving and we left to head home about 12:30. We ended up getting back about 8:30. Zach slept the whole way in the car only eating a few times. He was going through the sleeping stage of growing, which means we are going to need some new clothes soon, he is getting so long.

Chillin in the pool

Happy as can be!

I don't want to go home

All in all is was a great trip and nice to get away. I think I am somewhat rested and relaxed. It was nice to get out of Tennessee even for a short weekend.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bad Colds and Baby Pictures

Zach got his first cold from daycare. It was a pretty bad one too. He was sneezing and had a little cough for about a week. Then the cough got worse. Right about that time I started to feel bad. I think it is the worst cold I have had in a long time. We took him to the doctor to rule out anything other than a cold. Ryan was the one that took him. It was his first trip to the doctor since Zach's week check up and the first time by himself. He did great. Zach weighed, as of last Friday, 10 pounds 15 ounces, so he is right on track with weight gain. The doctor said since he had not really had a fever and his lungs sounded good it was just a cold. Ryan really stepped up to the plate, not that I thought he wouldn't, and let me get some rest this weekend so I could get better and he took all the late night feedings. It was the best thing I could have asked for. We are on the mend now and both of our coughs are almost gone and we are both just a little bit stuffed up. Hopefully going to Panama City Beach this weekend will help it go away completely.

On another note. Here are the much asked for baby pictures of Ryan and I and an updated picture of Zach. I think he goes back in forth between looking like one or the other. He is a good mix. I can't believe he is 12 weeks today!! It has gone by so fast so far.

Waiting on a phone call

Why did you take my phone away?

It's for me

Lauren baby

Lauren baby(20 weeks)

Ryan baby

Ryan baby (3 weeks)