Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Update on Baby Zach and bedrest

I had a Dr. appt yesterday and everything is looking good. There has been no change since I left the hospital. My blood pressure is still a little high so I am still on bedrest as of right now. She has changed my due date to April 10. That makes me 35 weeks tomorrow. She said that if I can make it to 36 weeks she will lighten my bedrest. I am not sure exactly what that means but we will see next Wednesday at my next Dr. appt. If I have not had him by 38 weeks (March 27) then she said she will induce. So it looks like Zach is going to be a March baby!! I am excited to meet the little guy but really want him to make it to 36 weeks. That just seems like the magic number to me and would make me feel much more comfortable having him then.

Bedrest is going well. I am enjoying relaxing and catching up on tv shows and reading. I am taking this time to relax because I know after he comes there won't be much relaxing or sleeping. Ryan is being great and getting pretty good at taking care of me. I am sure he is just as anxious as I am but doesn't show it as much. The dogs are loving every minute of me being home and have not left my side. I think they know something is going on because they are being so sweet and loving and very gentle. They are in for such a surprise when Zach gets here!

1 comment:

debbybunn said...

I love it. What a great idea Amber had. Grandma and I just read and it she was thrilled. Hang in there honey. love, mom