Monday, March 17, 2008

Our first night

Our first night home was a long one. We got home around 6:30. The dogs smelled Zach and were a little confused. They kept licking him which we are going to have to figure out how to stop but at least they are loving him and not trying to bite him. When he cries they get more excited but I am sure that is because it is new and hopefully they will get used to it. I know we are not used to it yet :)

We went to bed around 11:00. Zach woke up pretty much every hour. I know he is still in some pain from his circumcision every time he goes to the bathroom so that was hard. My milk is not coming in as well as we would like so we have started giving him a bottle and I am trying to pump to see if there is anything there. If not we will be using formula, whatever makes sure he is getting fed is what is important. Both of us are exhausted and I know we will make it through the next few nights. It will be much easier when I feel better too. I am healing nicely but am very swollen. That should go down soon.

We hope everyone is well. We will post some more pics and can't wait for ya'll to meet him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If it would help, I am a group leader for a group for moms who believe in circumcising, it is great place to find info and support.

I hope you'll check it out:
