Friday, March 7, 2008

Rough Days

Well the last few days have been rough. I think Zach is just growing and my belly is stretching, which happens every few weeks and is a great thing, but I am very uncomfortable. I have hit the 35 week mark and am counting down to the 36 week mark.

It is supposed to snow today and I am hoping it is a good one. I am sure if we get the predicted 1-3 inches that is supposed to stick tonight will be the night I go into labor. I have been having contractions everyday but they are not consistent and don't last. I can't believe in 3 weeks or less we will have a baby. It is very surreal.

I have one more baby shower this weekend and I am really looking forward to it. It is Ryan's family shower so it should be a lot of fun.


Anonymous said...

Hello dear! Sounds like you are ready for this pregnancy thing to be over. Hang in there. We are all thinking about you. I know that when Lisa was about this far along, it seemed like there was no one place that she could sit or lay that was comfortable. Just imagine in a few weeks you won't have to deal with that anymore! Instead, you'll have a beautiful little baby boy. They are awesome to say the least. Watching my little guy grow over the last two years has been the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed, so enjoy minute of it. Hang in there kid-o. Tell baby Zach to calm down in there and take it easy on mom! See ya soon.

~Josh Poteete

Amber said...

Do you know that I was thinking that very same thing on my way to work this morning! I sure hope he decides not to come with the snow, but if he does we'll be there. Let me know if you need anything!
