Tuesday, July 1, 2008


We had Zach Baptized this weekend. It went well. He was cranky when we went up there and as soon as I handed him to the Pastor he screamed his head off. I thought it was hilarious. He is usually such a calm baby and doesn't cry much. True to form whenever it s a big event he screams. Oh well. My grandmother made his gown out of my wedding dress. I am so glad we had something so special to put him in. We had a very good time though and got to see a lot of family and it was very nice to spend some time with them. I will post a few pictures with more to follow from my mom's camera.

As far as the unswaddling, we have gone back to swaddling him. He did not do so well the 2nd night and kept waking himself up. With that and the cough he has, we figured it was best to keep doing it for a while longer. He doesn't seem to mind it.

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