Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Almost 3 weeks

Zach is almost 3 weeks old. It is flying by. He has been very fussy the last few days and nights. He is not sleeping very well and that makes it very hard on us. He has been wanting to eat all the time but not eating as much and then he is spitting up a lot more. I called the doctor and they called me back and wanted to see him today. So we went just to get him checked out. He is up to 6 pounds 11 ounces from his appointment a week ago. He ended up peeing all over the place and I think he peed in his own mouth. He did not like it one bit and screamed when he did it. I felt so bad for him. The doctor checked him out and does not think anything is wrong with him but thinks that he might be colicky. I am hoping it is just because he is growing. We also tried switching his bottles so hopefully that will help.

Zach and I went to lunch with Ryan today and showed him off around his office. He was a big hit. We had a good lunch and it was nice to get out of the house. It was the first time I had driven in 4 weeks. I know people were getting frustrated with me because I was going slower than normal, probably because it has been awhile and because I had Zach in the car. Better safe than sorry.

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