Tuesday, April 29, 2008

No sleep

Poor Zach is still sick. He is so congested so he has not been sleeping very well. Ryan and I have been taking turns staying up with him and holding him upright so he will sleep. It has been rough but hopefully will get better soon. He feels like he is gaining a ton of weight. I am definitely working out my biceps by lifting him.

Only 2 weeks until I go back to work. It is bittersweet. I am ready to get back but I am going to miss him like crazy. The good news is I can go over and see him whenever I want but that might make it harder. I am sure he will be fine and I will always worry. I know I have to put him in school sooner or later and I will never think that anyone will take care of him like I do. It will be good for him to not be so spoiled (I admit it, we spoil him like crazy and I love to hold him all day and cuddle, but what mom doesn't)

1.5 months

1 comment:

Amber said...

I absolutely LOVE that picture of him and Ryan - he looks so excited about something! I'm still pretty sure he hates the lamb though! :)